Monday, June 14, 2010

My First Week as a College Student

I survived my first week as a college student. It was definitely easier than I had anticipated. The class I chose to enroll in was Speech. This class is a sophomore level class, and I was nervous that it was going to be too challenging and out of my ability to perform well in. However, the professor, Mrs. Tolller, is very enthusiastic who seems to enjoy her job. This makes her approachable and makes me feel more comfortable to ask her questions on assignments or quizzes. She also has a great sense of humor and jokes around. I am lucky to have an easy professor who likes to have fun, but still enforces the importance of getting our work done.
Everyday, or every other day, we have a quiz over a chapter in our speech book, “In Mixed Company”. The quiz consists of ten questions, multiple choice and true or false. First, we take the quiz by ourselves and hand them in. Then we take the same quiz in our small group, which consists of four to five people. She then collects them and grades them and us students get to keep which ever score is the highest. The point in doing group quizzes shows the importance of teamwork. It also goes along with the material we are learning in class.
For me, the most challenging part of this class is finding the time to read the chapters. Each chapter is 30-40 pages long, and gets boring after a bit. I try to focus, but I get to distracted. I do read every chapter, but I am very thankful for our study group that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays. Having the study group refreshes my mind, and helps me review and remember right before the quiz. I feel that reviewing the information is helpful and helps me to obtain a higher grade on my quizzes. Through this experience I learned that I can handle college and that it is not as hard as I think. I can sit back and breathe so I can focus on finding the right college for me without being stressed or worried on what to expect. I feel that this is a great opportunity and I am glad that I get to participate in summer scholars. It has positively impacted my life by giving me confidence, and it has relieved much of the stress that I was feeling.

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